Strøget's 40th anniversary was celebrated with a tram in Ryesgade

YouTube name: atvdenmark.
Language: Danish.
Date: November 11, 2012.
City: Aarhus (Denmark).

The video shows

Århus Sporveje (ÅS)

Aarhus tram line 2: Marienlund - Kongsvang

Aarhus railcar 20, manufacturer Københavns Sporveje (KS)/Scandia, type AAS, series 1-20, width 2.10 m, length 10.00 m, manufactured 1945-1947, with 22 seats and 28 standing places, in the direction of Marienlund.

Aarhus railcar 7, manufacturer Københavns Sporveje (KS)/Scandia, type AAS, series 1-20, width 2.10 m, length 10.00 m, manufactured 1945-1947, with 22 seats and 28 standing places, in the direction of Kongsvang / Trams (Aarhus).

Placed Aarhus museum tram 18 (ex Aarhus railcar 18), manufacturer Københavns Sporveje (KS)/Scandia, type AAS, series 1-20, width 2.10 m, length 10.00 m, manufactured 1945-1947, with 22 seats and 28 standing places.


The street association Strøget in Aarhus, in collaboration with the museum Den Gamle By, has chosen to put an Aarhusian tram on the street in connection with the street's 40th birthday, which has just been celebrated. We spoke with former tram driver Ove Hansen. The former tram driver Leif Bisbo gave a vivid account of how the tram worked in the old days in Aarhus.

Strøget's 40th anniversary was celebrated with a tram in Ryesgade

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