Behind the light rail - How to make room for a light rail through the city

YouTube name: Odense Letbane.
Language: Danish.
Date: November 20, 2020.
City: Odense (Denmark).

The video shows

Odense Letbane


Before the actual track work began, the city had to be prepared for the light rail. When an eight-metre-wide track has to merge with the rest of the city, it affects the design of roads, cycle paths and pavements, which therefore had to be rebuilt.

Construction work began in August 2017 – and will only finally be finished when the final asphalt wear layer is laid on the last roads and cycle paths in 2021.

Project manager Svend Sørensen has been responsible for carrying out this work. Here he talks about the construction work and how it is to go from the theoretical helicopter perspective right down to tangible and practical details. For example, the location of a road well can present different challenges in reality than on paper.

The goal is to make everything come together into a higher unity, so that the city ultimately becomes a good place to move around for everyone

Behind the light rail - How to make room for a light rail through the city

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Last updated: September 27, 2024.