Bahnübergang beim Bahnhof Flüh, Solothurn, Schweiz 2017
YouTube name: Thomas1980.
Language: German.
Date: November 11, 2017.
City: Basel (Switzerland).
The video shows
Baselland Transport (BLT)
Basel tram line 10: Rodersdorf - Dornach Bahnhof
Signed Rodersdorf Station.
11.11.2017 - Flüh is a municipality in the canton of Solothurn. It is located in the exclave of Hofstetten/Mariastein and is surrounded by the canton of Baselland and France. BLT Baselland Transport AG stops in Flüh. Line 10 goes from Basel train station to Flüh. From here it goes to Leymen in France and then back to the Swiss municipality of Rodersdorf.