Aarhus' last tram - 7 November 1971

YouTube name: DR Nyheder.
Language: Danish.
Date: November 7, 1971.
City: Aarhus (Denmark).

The video shows

Århus Sporveje (ÅS)

Aarhus railcar 18, manufacturer Københavns Sporveje (KS)/Scandia, type AAS, series 1-20, width 2.10 m, length 10.00 m, manufactured 1945-1947, with 22 seats and 28 standing places.

Aarhus sidecar 48, manufacturer Københavns Sporveje (KS)/Scandia, type AAS, series 41-59, width 2.10 m, length 8.50 m, manufactured 1945-1947, with 14 seats and 30 standing places.


Aarhus is saying goodbye to the city's last tram today. Driver Jens Nielsen is interviewed by journalist Preben Heide.

Aarhus' last tram - 7 November 1971

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Last updated: September 27, 2024.