Brussels railcar AR266
Out of serviceThe history of the tram
The National Company of Light Railways in Belgium (NMVB/SNCV)
October 26, 1936: Delivered as Brussels railcar AR 266 (ex Brussels railcar AR266), type Vicinaux.
Tramsite Schepdaal
Open regularly
1966: Arrived at a museum as Schepdaal railcar AR 266 (ex Brussels railcar AR266), type Vicinaux.
Grotte de Han
Summer operation only
June 23, 1966: Taken over by the museum as Han-sur-Lesse railcar AR 266 (ex Brussels railcar AR266), type Vicinaux.
Postcard: Han-sur-Lesse railcar AR 266 at Han-sur-Lesse (2001)By Henrik Boye, M. P. C. - 33210 Roaillan.
Tram des grottes de han sur lesseBy Olivier Hussenet.
September 28, 2006.
September 28, 2006.