Brussels railcar AR159
Out of serviceThe history of the tram
The National Company of Light Railways in Belgium (NMVB/SNCV)
August 11, 1934: Delivered as Brussels railcar AR159, type Vicinaux.
Grotte de Han
Operates only in summer
1952: Arrived at a museum as Han-sur-Lesse railcar AR159 (ex Brussels railcar AR159), type Vicinaux.
Han-sur-Lesse Grotte de Han with railcar AR159 at Han-sur-Lesse (1981)By Henrik Boye.
October 1981.
October 1981.
Han-sur-Lesse Grotte de Han with railcar AR159 near The Depot (1981)By Henrik Boye.
October 1981.
October 1981.
Han-sur-Lesse railcar AR159 (2000)By Henrik Boye.
July 2, 2000.
July 2, 2000.
Grottes de Han 100 ans de tramBy Maurice Hubert.
July 16, 2005 - July 17, 2005.
July 16, 2005 - July 17, 2005.
Han-sur-Lesse Grotte de Han with railcar AR159 at Han-sur-Lesse (2014)By Henrik Boye.
July 10, 2014.
July 10, 2014.