Brussels railcar AR.193

Exhibited in a museum

The history of the tram

The National Company of Light Railways in Belgium (NMVB/SNCV)

1935: Delivered as Brussels railcar AR.193, type SNCV diesel railcar.

Tramsite Schepdaal
Open regularly

1962: Taken over by the museum as Schepdaal railcar AR.193 (ex Brussels railcar AR.193), type SNCV diesel railcar.

Postcard: Schepdaal railcar AR.193 at Tramsite (1971)Postcard: Schepdaal railcar AR.193 at Tramsite (1971)By Association pour le Musée du Tramway (AMUTRA), Henrik Boye.
Tramsite SchepdaalTramsite SchepdaalBy Johan Van Belle.
February 7, 2017.

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Last updated: June 11, 2024.