Turmstr. / Broitzem (Braunschweig)

There are 2 photos from Turmstr. / Broitzem (Braunschweig) and 3 trams in the direction of Turmstr. / Broitzem (Braunschweig) on Tram Travels.

Photos and videos from Turmstr. / Broitzem (Braunschweig)

Braunschweig museum tram 113 at Turmstr. (2016)Braunschweig museum tram 113 at Turmstr. (2016)By Henrik Boye.
June 11, 2016.
Braunschweig museum tram 113, side view Turmstr. (2016)Braunschweig museum tram 113, side view Turmstr. (2016)By Henrik Boye.
June 11, 2016.

Location on a map

Trams in the direction of Turmstr. / Broitzem (Braunschweig)

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Last updated: September 2, 2024.