There are 3 trams in the direction of Ogrody on Tram Travels.
Location on a map
Trams in the direction of Ogrody
Poznań tram line 18 with articulated tram 903 at Rynek Jeżycki (2009)By Ole Hald.
October 15, 2009.
October 15, 2009.
Poznań tram line 2 with articulated tram 905 at Rondo Kaponiera (2009)By Ole Hald.
October 15, 2009.
October 15, 2009.
Poznań tram line 2 with articulated tram 672 in the intersection Rynek Jeżycki/Kraszewskiego (2009)By Ole Hald.
October 14, 2009.
October 14, 2009.