Potsdam tram line 93 with low-floor articulated tram 410 "Amsterdam" at Platz der Einheit/Bildungsforum (2001)

Stop: Platz der Einheit / Bildungsforum.
Photographer: Henrik Boye.
Date: July 31, 2001.
City: Potsdam (Germany).

The picture shows

Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam (ViP)

93Potsdam tram line 93: Bhf Rehbrücke - Glienicker Brücke (ex 3 & C)

Potsdam low-floor articulated tram 410 "Amsterdam", manufacturer Siemens, type Combino, series 401-416, manufactured 1998-2001, in the direction of Bhf Rehbrücke, painted vær led har sin farve, with advertising of '21.04-7.10. 2001 Potsdam Bundesgartenschau'.

Potsdam tram line 93 with low-floor articulated tram 410 "Amsterdam" at Platz der Einheit/Bildungsforum (2001)

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Last updated: April 10, 2024.