Kharkiv tram line 5 with railcar 4566 in the intersection Haharina Avenue/Heriov Stalinhradu Avenue (2011)
Photographer: Johs. Damsgaard Hansen.
Date: May 7, 2011.
City: Kharkiv (Ukraine).
The picture shows
KP Miskelektrotransservis
Kharkiv tourist line A
Kharkiv museum tram 055 (ex Kharkiv railcar 844), type MTV-82.
Kharkiv tram line 5: wuł. Odeśka - Piwdennyj wokzał
Kharkiv railcar 4566, manufacturer Tatra, type T6B5.
Kharkiv tram line 8: wuł. Odeśka - 602 mikrorajon
Kharkiv railcar 4539, manufacturer Tatra, type T6V5, with total advertising.
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